At he 1997 International Golden Dawn Conference in London, R. A. Gilbert unveiled four unique pieces of Golden Dawn history, never seen before: five-foot tall Enochian Tablets discovered in the collection of papers and magical items once owned by Dr. W. Wynn Westcott. They came to light after many decades of being forgotten in the Westcott archives of the Societias Rosicruciana in Anglia. These Tablets are unique and unlike any other set of Enochian Tablets because, with the exception of the colors associated with Daath, they have been painted with all the colors listed in the Golden Dawn’s extensive Color Scale list.
The discovery of Westcott’s Tablets provide yet another example of the fact that the Golden Dawn system remains as vital today as is was in the Victorian era. We have the enigmatic tablets themselves as evidence that the Golden Dawn’s system of Enochian Magic was not a static creation but is alive and buzzing with new possibilities and new directions of thought and knowledge.
The four Elemental Tablets shown here have been recreated by Sandra Tabatha Cicero, based upon Westcott’s originals. The Tablet of Union is an original Cicero creation based upon information derived from the other four Tablets. Further information on all of these Tablets can be found in The Book of the Concourse of the Watchtowers.

Also available: Cicero recreations of four Enochian Chess Boards derived from on Westcott’s Tablets. (TO COMPARE all versions of Westcott’s Tablets, as well as more traditional versions, see our page on the Enochian Tablets.)
The Tablets are 11″ by 12″ in size. They can be purchased as POSTERS in a set of 5 for $80, or mounted on wood in a set of 5 for $200. They are signed and dated on the back by Chic and Tabatha Cicero.
(NOTE: The low-res graphics displayed on this web page have been greatly reduced in size and show a distortion with regard to the thickness of the lines and letters as well as the depth and richness of the colors. Click on the photos displayed in the “choose an option” section to see clearer versions of the photos.)
To purchase other Enochian Tablet versions, see the following:
Traditional Color Enochian Tablets with Latin Lettering (and multiple variations including Chess boards),
Color Tablets with Enochian Script Lettering
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Enochian Flash Cards