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Enochian Flash Cards: The Angelic Alphabet


Enochian Flash Cards by Chic and Tabatha Cicero provide students with a useful tool for memorizing the letters of the Angelic Alphabet. Featuring the Enochian letter attributions of Adam P. Forrest as well as the Golden Dawn’s Flashing Colors, the Ciceros have created the perfect complement to their Qabalah Flash Cards. In addition to the Enochian Letter cards, the remaining cards include the Four Elemental Tablets, the Tablet of Union, and the Sigillum Dei Aemeth. They also include a series of paintings by Sandra Tabatha Cicero – the Four Archangels of the Elements, and the Garden of Eden, Before and After the Fall.



Why create Enochian Flash Cards? While Hebrew is the language of the Qabalah, Enochian is the language of the Angels. The Enochian Alphabet and a host of related material was received through the spirit vision workings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly in the sixteenth century. Beginning in 1582, the Elizabethan Magician and his seer continued to uncover the Enochian system over a period of seven years. The two men accumulated a great quantity of work, including an entire language with its own unique alphabet and syntax. According to legend, this Secret Angelic Language became known as Enochian because it was the Angelic language revealed to Enoch by the Angel Ave.

The Enochian system has been a part of the Golden Dawn curriculum since the outlines of the initiation rituals were first set down in the Cipher Manuscript. Divine Enochian names, as well as the Watchtower Tablets from which they were taken, are introduced to the student in the grades from Zelator through Portal. However, the Enochian system is not studied by the student in depth until he or she enters the advanced grades where students are expected to memorize the Enochian Alphabet. This is is not an easy task because unlike other alphabets, the names of the Enochian letters bear little resemblance to their associated sounds.

Enochian Flash Cards by Chic and Tabatha Cicero provide students with a useful tool for memorizing the letters of the Angelic Alphabet. Featuring the Enochian letter attributions of Adam P. Forrest as well as the Golden Dawn’s Flashing Colors, the Ciceros have created the perfect complement to their Qabalah Flash Cards.

In addition to the Enochian Letter cards, the remaining cards include the Four Elemental Tablets, the Tablet of Union, and the Sigillum Dei Aemeth. They also include a series of paintings by Sandra Tabatha Cicero – the Four Archangels of the Elements, and the Garden of Eden, Before and After the Fall.

36-card boxed set published by H.O.G.D. Books (2017)

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