Calvary Cross of 10 Squares


The Calvary Cross of Ten Squares is the Admission Badge to the path of Peh in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order.

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The Calvary Cross of Ten Squares is the Admission Badge to the path of Peh in the 4=7 grade of Philosophus in the Outer Order. It is formed of ten squares which fitly represent the ten Sephiroth in balanced disposition, before which the formless and the void rolled back. It is also the opened out form of the Double Cube and of the Altar of Incense.(The Altar of incense before the Veil of the Holy of Holies, which was overlaid with gold to represent the highest degree of purity.) This alludes to the path of Peh as a vehicle of purification…where the microcosm of man (represented by the ten Sephiroth) learns to separate the pure from the impure…to become a perfect mirror of the greater Tree, the Macrocosm of the universe.

The names of the Sephiroth in Hebrew are painted on the ten squares of the Badge: 1. Kether, 2. Chokmah, 3. Binah, 4. Chesed, 5. Geburah, 6. Tiphareth, 7. Netzach, 8. Hod, 9. Yesod, 10. Malkuth.

Construction: wood and decoupage.

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Additional information

Weight 0.9 lbs
Dimensions 4.5 × 3.75 × 0.75 in
Finishing Color

Black and White, Red with Flashing Green