Working Tools of the Golden Dawn Adept
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Flaming Damascus Air Dagger
The Flaming Damascus Air Dagger is equipped with a 6.5" wavy blade of Damascus steel. Total length is 12". This is a one-of-a-kind item. Once it's gone, it's gone.

Golden Dawn Fire Wand
The Fire Wand of the Z. A. M. is used in all magical workings pertaining to the nature of elemental Fire and is under the presidency of the Hebrew letter Yod and of the “Wand of the Tarot.”

Golden Dawn Water Cup
The Water Cup is used by the Zelator Adeptus Minor in all magical workings pertaining to the nature of elemental Water, and under the presidency of the Hebrew letter Heh and the “Cup of the Tarot.”

Small Golden Dawn Water Cup
These are wood, 4.75" high by 2.5" wide. No leather petals are applied--just paint and a finish coat.

The Air Dagger
The Air Dagger is to be used by the Adept in all magical workings of the element of Air, and under the presidency of the Hebrew letter Vav and the “Sword of the Tarot.”

The Earth Pentacle
The Earth Pentacle of the Golden Dawn is used by the adept in all magical workings pertaining to the nature of Earth, and is under the presidency of the Hebrew letter Heh Final, and of the “Pentacle of the Tarot.” We offer five different options for this implement.

The Lotus Wand
The Lotus Wand is for general use in magical working. It is the single most important ritual tool that the Adept uses in the Golden Dawn tradition. The Golden Dawn Shop offers the Lotus Wand in two lengths: 28" for the magician's personal use and 32" for the Third Adept's Wand in the Second Order.

The Magic Sword
The Magic Sword of the Z. A. M. is to be used in all cases where great force and strength are to be used and are required, but principally for banishing, and for defense against evil or unbalanced forces.