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Caduceus Badge
The Caduceus Admission Badge grants the Theoricus entry into the Air temple of the Sephirah Yesod in the Outer Order.

Golden Dawn Rose Cross Lamen
The Rose Cross Lamen is a magical badge is worn by the Golden Dawn adept. It is based on the Rosicrucian symbolism of the Red Rose and the Cross of Gold.

Officers’ Lamens
Officers' Lamens: A lamen is a symbol worn by an officer in a Golden Dawn temple. This set of Outer Order Lamens is for the following officers: Praemonstrator, Imperator, Cancellarius, Hierophant, Hiereus, Hegemon, Keryx, Stolistes, Dadouchos, Phylax.

Portal Officers’ Lamens
A complete set of Officers' Lamens for the Portal Ritual. This ceremony contains a unique blend of First and Second Order Officers: Chief Adept, Second Adept, Third Adept, Hiereus, and Hegemon.