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The Enochian system has been a part of the Golden Dawn curriculum since the outlines of the initiation rituals were first set down in the Cipher Manuscript. Divine Enochian names, as well as the Watchtower Tablets from which they were taken, are introduced to the student in the grades from Zelator through Portal. However, the Enochian system is not studied by the student in depth until he or she enters the Second Order.

The Enochian Tablets are four in number, each referring to one of the elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In addition to these four, there is a smaller Tablet called the Tablet of Union, referring to the fifth Element of Ether or Spirit that governs the other Elements.

The Golden Dawn Shop offers many variations of the Watchtower Tablets, including the Standard Latin Lettering, Enochian Script Lettering, and the Cicero’s own recreations of Dr. William Wynn Westcott’s unique truncated Pyramid Tablets which utilize all of the Color Scales of the Golden Dawn. The various Tablet sets can be purchased as posters or as full Tablets mounted on wood. All Tablets are signed and dated on the back by Chic and Tabatha Cicero. To see all the Tablets versions that we offer, refer to our Page on the Enochian Tablets.