“And Tetragrammaton placed Kerubim at the East of the Garden of Eden and a Flaming Sword which turned every way to keep the Path of the Tree of Life…”
The Golden Dawn Shop is proud to present this deluxe item: The Flaming Magic Sword. This is a large sword (44″ long and 8″ wide at the hilt). The blade is shaped like the Lightning Flash or the Flaming Sword of the Kerubim. The hilt is red, ornamented with the Divine Hebrew names and sigils associated with Geburah in flashing green. The grip is covered with leather.
“THE FLAMING SWORD or Lightning Flash is formed by the natural order of the Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. It is the descending current of Divine Energy, and it resembles a flash of Lightning. The right-hand Kerub standing by the White Pillar is Metatron, while the left-hand Kerub is Sandalphon, standing by the Black Pillar. The Kerubim are the guardians of the Garden of Eden.”
The Magic Sword of the Z. A. M. is to be used in all cases where great force and strength are to be used and are required, but principally for banishing and for defense against evil forces. For this reason it attributed to the Geburah and of Mars. The sword is to be used with great respect for banishings, protection, and certain rituals such as consecrations and evocations, where the force of Geburah is needed.